Month: April 2013

Save Money with Efficient Air Conditioning

Hot and humid weather can be absolutely miserable to deal with. One of the only sources of relief for most people is to get inside where their home is air conditioned. Air conditioning units put in a lot of work on hot and humid days, and that is why it is critical to...

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Options for Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is ubiquitous in the United States, mainly because state laws require it. There are, however, many good reasons to carry coverage. Here are some of the main benefits of insuring your car. Car insurance protects you from financial ruin. While many people...

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Car Repair

More and more people are ditching the trade to keep their existing cars running. Because of the high price of getting a car and the insurance that comes with it, people feel more at ease with getting their old cars under good maintenance rather than purchase a new...

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