Month: November 2013

What are fiber optic adapters?

Fiber optic adapters are small plastic devices that are used in various configurations when connecting fiber optic cables. These adapters come in a wide variety of shapes but regardless of the shape, the purpose for them is the same. They all allow fiber optic cables...

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What are USB cables used for?

A USB cable is used to connect devices to a host. The common hosts that are connected by USB cables include computers, printers and external hard drives. There are a number of standards for a Universal Serial Bus cable but those that are compliant with 1.1...

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Renting and Buying Apartments in New York

New York is one of the main hubs of the United States and the most populous city in the country. Despite this, New York City is not actually the capital of New York State. That honor goes to Albany, a much smaller administrative center for the State of New York. New...

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