Month: August 2015

How Electroplating Works

You can’t simply change common chemical elements into valuable and rare ones - but electroplating gets you close. In this process, electricity is used to coat a mundane metal with a thin layer of another. Essentially - it makes cheap metals look expensive. What It Is...

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Do You Want to Make Your Own Solar Eclipse Viewer?

On August of 2017, a great deal of North America will get to see a total eclipse of the sun. It is a rare event in this part of the world and if you are interested in seeing this amazing spectacle, you should have some solar eclipse viewer to protect your eyes from...

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Your Choice of a Dog Daycare Provider Is Important

Not all dog daycare providers are the same. In Madison, WI, vacationers often leave their dog at a kennel or a doggie daycare facility. However, if you have been one of these people, you may not have been happy with the service. Your dog is part of your family and...

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Understanding T-12 Sockets

As with so many parts for lighting fixtures, there are options in just about every size and type. This is certainly true for the T-12 sockets were you have the option to choose from shunted and non-shunted models. For anyone considering their own repair of fluorescent...

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