Month: November 2015

Eclipse Safety For Parents With Small Children

While there is a risk to viewing a solar eclipse with the unprotected eye, there are some wonderful, low-cost glasses and hand held viewers that provide full protection for the eyes. This allows everyone, including small children, to be able to see the eclipse with...

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The History of Belt Buckles

Belt buckles are commonly used today by individuals from all different walks of life. What many people do not realize, however, is that these buckles have a long and storied history that goes back thousands of years. While many people have the perception that belt...

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Non-Invasive Skin Care Treatment Options

So, you are no longer happy with the way the skin on your face looks and feels, but you are hesitant to go under the knife? If this sounds like the predicament you are facing, it's worth looking into  non-invasive skin care treatment options out there. Specialists in...

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