Brake servicing is one of many recurring maintenance tasks that can’t be ignored. Brakes are one of the most important parts of every car, so their upkeep should be a high priority. With that being said, here are a few warning signs they may give that mean it’s time to get new brakes in Bremerton, WA:
1.Brake Light Is On
This can be obvious for many people, but so many people overlook this simple warning sign and wait until it is too late to get any repairs. By the time the brakes finally give out, they have to pay more out of pocket for an entire replacement. If the brake indicators on the dashboard constantly flash yellow or red, it means that it is time for an inspection. Engaged parking brakes can also cause this light to flash but just release the brake entirely to see whether or not it is an actual issue.
2.Strange Noises
If someone hears squeaking or grinding noises when they apply the brakes, that can be a sign of the brake pads being worn out. Brake pads are made of steel, so they will make this sound when they come into contact with the rotor. Replace these parts of the brakes in Bremerton, WA, as soon as possible, otherwise, the rotor will get damaged and be the cause of a costly repair.
3.Soft Brake Pedal
If there is a noticeable difference in the resistance of the brake pedal, that could be a sign to get immediate service for brakes in Bremerton, WA. Air or moisture may have come in contact with the braking system or there may be a problem with the master cylinder.