Many children attend preschool in the Forest Park area. Preschool helps your children develop socially and prepare them for a school environment. There are so many good reasons to send your child to preschool.
Preparing for kindergarten
A good preschool provides children with social interactions with children of similar ages. It provides plenty of time for play, allowing your child to have fun and experience new activities. Attending a preschool in Forest Park also prepares your child for kindergarten. Kindergarten is increasingly focused on pre-literacy and pre-math skills. Preschool helps to prepare your child to enter a higher learning environment.
Social and emotional skill-building
Preschools allow children to interact with others of their own age. This interaction helps them develop the social and emotional skills necessary for being part of the wider world. Interaction with other children in a structured and safe environment stimulates creative communication and problem-solving skills.
Also, young children may feel insecure when they are away from their parents. Quality interactions with caring teachers build safe bonds with adults. Preschool programs promote these loving, nurturing bonds between parents, children and their teachers.
Self-competence and self-confidence
As children learn to take care of themselves, their self-confidence grows. They begin to understand more about themselves and how they relate to the world around them. A good preschool teacher will find opportunities for a child to “help out” with tasks around the classroom. Simple but helpful tasks help children learn self-reliance and the importance of helping others.