4 Mistakes You Could Be Making With Your Home Insurance in Middletown, CT

by | Jan 10, 2014 | Insurance

If you own a house in Middletown, you know that the cost of insuring your home can be a significant expense. Homeowners insurance is an important necessity, but you could be making several mistakes that will end up raising the price of your premium unnecessarily. Keep reading to learn the blunders that even savvy homeowners make when they’re purchasing their home insurance in Middletown, CT.

Not Bundling Your Insurance Needs

While everyone’s insurance needs differ, most people typically carry policies for home, car and life insurance. If you’re purchasing these policies from different insurers, you could be paying a higher overall cost than you need to. According to experts, buying your automobile and home insurance policies from the same company is an easy way to save money on your insurance needs. Expect to pay about 10% less when you bundle your policies.

Not Investing in Home Safety

To insurance companies, homes that don’t have some type of security system are considered high-risk. According to the FCIC, you can reap savings of around 5% by simply outfitting your doors with dead-bold locks. If you want significant discounts, install a high-tech security system that alerts the police and fire departments in the event of an emergency. Systems like these can get you savings of 20% or more on your home insurance in Middletown, CT.

Bare-Minimum Fire Protection

According to federal laws, homes should be outfitted with a certain number of smoke detectors on each floor. If you go beyond the minimum guidelines, you can take advantage of worthwhile insurance savings. Installing extra smoke alarms, investing in fire extinguishers and purchasing a sprinkler system are all investments that will get you discounts on your insurance rates.

Ignoring the Threat of Extreme Weather

Connecticut weather can be cruel and extreme at times. If you’re trying to get low insurance rates, protecting your home against strong winds, hail and winter storms is an effective way to accomplish you goal. Depending on how much you’re willing to invest, weather-proofing your house can get you insurance discounts of 20% or more. Storm shutters, hail-resistant roofing and fire-proof siding are all solid upgrades that will lower your insurance rates.

Insurance is a must-have for homeowners, but there are ways to lower the cost. Use the tips above to lower your insurance rates, and Click Here for more details.

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