6 Reminders on How to Hire a Moving Team in Port Charlotte

by | Feb 19, 2018 | Moving Services

Changing addresses can be a stomach-churning experience, especially if you’re leaving everything familiar behind. Make it easier on yourself by hiring reputable Port Charlotte Movers for D-day. Here’s how:

Hire locals

Look for a local Moving Services Company with a good reputation like Casady’s Goodfellas Moving, Inc. to get your search started. Engaging the services of a local company nearby or close to you comes with plenty of advantages, with access and convenience topping the list.

Get referrals

Check with friends and family. They could easily provide you with excellent options for Port Charlotte Movers. Tips and suggestions could give you useful leads as well so you won’t have to spend time and effort more than you need to.


Do your own bit of research. Go online for and search for ‘Long Distance Movers near me or around me.’ That should generate plenty of prospective options so you’ll have more than enough to complete your list.

Filter the list

Once you have enough options for your list, then start winnowing them down. Check the reputation of the moving company first. Trustworthiness is an essential quality in a moving company. The last thing you want is to hear that your belongings have been damaged, stolen or lost along the way.

Know the signs

If you get an inkling that something isn’t quite right with your moving team or if they can’t provide you with a copy of their licensing or insurance liability policy, then you could be dealing with rogue movers, says The Spruce. Get help elsewhere.

Call today

Look for a moving company as far back as six months before your moving date. That should give you plenty of time to research your options thoroughly. Once you do, start making calls. Every job is different so call today to receive a quote and get a reasonable rate for your move or delivery. By calling ahead, you can easily book the services of a good moving team without any problems.

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