Why Choose a Family Doctor in Starkville MS?

by | Jan 24, 2017 | Health

Family doctors are too few, overwhelmed and, in many cases, poorly paid. The profession associated with being a general practitioner is not popular. More than 10,000 residency positions in family medicine have remained vacant over the past three years. Faced with the urgency of recruiting, the government has said its nearing a “crisis.” Finding a reliable Family Doctor in Starkville MS is more important than ever.

Work is under way to find solutions for training and organization of practice. There are three main reasons for choosing family medicine:

 *    More freedom concerning time. A Family Doctor in Starkville MS has more control over their time management than other fields.

 *    The tasks and practices needed are varied: hospitalization, troubleshooting, emergency or clinical.

 *    Family doctors have a wide range of knowledge.

More than 60% of Americans say a family physician is the first person they would speak to about their health problems. 43% believe that family physicians are the most important health professionals they can consult. On average, the addition of one family physician per 10,000 people results in a 5.3% reduction in mortality.

Family medicine offers challenges, plenty of flexibility and immense diversity. Family physicians provide comprehensive care to patients and their families, with a focus on prevention, chronic disease management, and care coordination. They have the opportunity to practice in a variety of workplaces, including medical clinics, emergency rooms, acute care settings and patient homes. Some work in other countries. Now that doctors tend to work in teams and with other professionals such as nurses, occupational therapists, and nutritionists, family medicine is increasingly based on collaboration.

If you are like the other tens of thousands without a family doctor, you know that it can be difficult to find one that accepts new patients. As in many other areas of the country, there are simply not enough doctors in to serve its patient population. The best way to find a doctor is to do a little research online. It could be a good idea to ask family and friends for suggestions. Finding the right physician is what matters most. It may take a few days or weeks but you will be glad you did your homework. Schedule an appointment today.

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