A Social Security Disability Attorney in Melbourne, FL Wants Clients to Know Why They are Denied Benefits

by | Mar 1, 2017 | Lawyer

For years, workers have been on the job and become too disabled to work. It is no secret that when they apply for social security disability, that a good majority of them are turned down. In fact, many people get turned down two or three times. It is not that these people really do not qualify. They just don’t understand how to convey to the social security disability board how their ailment impacts their ability to work. Often, it takes the experience of a social security disability attorney to get approved. A Social Security Disability Attorney in Melbourne FL wants clients to be aware of what it takes to get approved.

An important thing to understand is that it is not enough for a doctor to say that the disabled person cannot work, although that is one of the requirements. The disability must fall under the guidelines that the social security disability review board has established. Other things that must be considered is whether or not the applicant has too many resources or too much income. If the applicant does not give social security access to his or her financial records, that may automatically disqualify the applicant.

The disability which the applicant has must be of such a nature that the applicant is expected to be out of work for more than 12 months. For the disability to be permanent, the applicant must be in a position where he or she cannot take any reasonable work for which he or she qualifies. If the applicant is able to work, it must not be more than social security will allow. If the applicant is a resident of a public institution, he or she will be denied benefits as well.

Matheson Horowitz & Devonmille are injuries and disability lawyers in the Melbourne, Florida area who have been providing legal help to clients for more than 85 years of combined experience. Filing for disability could be harrowing, but the attorneys can simplify the process. If any clients are interested in a Social Security Disability Attorney in Melbourne FL, they can visit the attorneys’ website at .

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