Let Family Dentistry Clinics in Rochester Hills Carve Out a Beautiful Smile

by | May 7, 2013 | Dentistry

Good dental care starts in the early years. For children, it is essential to set these guidelines so that they are not afraid in later years. It also helps them establish good dental habits while young. Visits every six months benefits the patient by identifying any issues that can damage teeth and gums. These visits are crucial so that as time passes, the doctor can identify changes and help patients become a proactive part of their care. With Family Dentistry Rochester Hills, great dental care is a phone call away.

Regular dental services start with an examination. This examination is visual and physical. The dentist can look for any obvious defects, Using their tools, they can check for cavities and observe gums to make sure they are nice and healthy. As part of regular care, a tooth cleaning is done to remove plaque and tartar. For a patient that has not been to the dentist for a while, a deep cleaning and scaling may be recommended. The patient may also need x rays. This is a photo imaging of teeth that goes beyond the visual, identifying those things not visible to the naked eye. As part of the routine visit, the dentist or hygienist also instructs patients on how to brush and floss.

Specialty options are those services that are not necessary, but enhance the way a patient looks and feels. Imagine walking around with no teeth. A dentist can restore a person’s smile with options both temporary and permanent. Dentures and bridges replace missing teeth. Dentures are usually a full set of false teeth that are removable. There are bridges which are similar to dentures, but have a few advantages. Bridges are designed to fill in the areas of the mouth where teeth are missing. They replace one tooth or many and are made to be temporary or permanent. Then there are dental implants. Dental implants are implanted into the jaw bone and permanently installed. Patients do not worry about having to remove them to clean. They look and feel like natural teeth.

With Family Dentistry Rochester Hills, patients receive routine and specialty services. Be sure to ask the dentist about any options that enhance the beauty of a smile. These services vary in length of time, but a good set of teeth makes one look youthful.

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