Why Professional Air Conditioning Installation in Naples, FL is a Must

by | Sep 18, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Residential air conditioning systems are designed and built to be durable. However, in cases where a home has been remodeled, and more square footage has been added, or perhaps where a home HVAC system is extremely old, a new system may be required. That’s why when it comes to air conditioning installation in Naples, FL, it’s important to have a professional HVAC service handling the removal and installation process.

The Right Sized Unit

There are many reasons why a professional service should be employed in these situations. The first is that dealing with a professional installation service will ensure the homeowner gets the right size system for their needs. Many times, when a person adds an addition to the home, older systems have a difficult time keeping up with the extra square footage. In these cases, the square footage of the home will need to be factored in when load calculations are made to ensure the right size unit is chosen.

Making Room for a New HVAC System

In some situations, different adjustments will need to be made in terms of where the air conditioner is placed and the type of supply and electrical lines that provide refrigerant and power to the system. A newer system, especially one that is more powerful, may actually be a bit larger and, whether the air handler sits in the attic or in a dedicated air conditioning closet, adjustments may have to be made in order to properly house the air handler unit.

Supply Lines and Electrical Connections

In addition, new supply lines and upgraded wiring may have to be installed. This will ensure that the air handler gets the power it needs as well as the supply and return refrigerant lines to ensure the home stays as cool as possible and the new air conditioner runs as efficiently as it can.

Whether it’s ensuring that you have the right sized air conditioner or making sure that the installation process goes as smoothly as possible, professional Air Conditioning installation in Naples, FL is essential. If you’re looking at putting in a new HVAC system in your home, contact CoolAir Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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