Quilting for a Cause – How to Hold a Quilt Fundraiser

by | Nov 15, 2017 | Shopping

Are you a quilter with a cause you’d like to support? Does your church, community group, club or child’s school need a fundraising idea? Consider offering quilts for sale as part of a community fundraiser, and give people something worth paying for!

Sponsored Quilts

If you’re offering quilts for sale as part of a fundraiser, you may fear that you won’t be able to produce enough to suit demand, or to raise the money necessary. One way around this is to offer sponsorship to local community businesses, organizations and group. By offering the sponsorship of one or more quilt squares, you can advertise for the company in your announcements and flyers, and your quilt can be paid for many times over.

Another option is to hold a raffle for the quilts you and your group are able to sew. Rather than selling each quilt individually, offer tickets to viewers of a show or attendees of an event. Be sure to display your beautiful, finished quilts publicly and prominently during the event, so people can see what they’re vying for a chance to win!

Seeking the Service of Others

Not a quilter yourself? That doesn’t mean your group can’t fundraise by offering quilts for sale. A popular option for these sales is to approach a local quilter’s group and ask for donated or reduced-price quilts. Often, these groups will offer their services in return for the price of materials and an invitation to your event. Be certain to thank your quilting friends for their hard work in your event advertisements!

Get Started!

Quilting takes time, so now that you know what you want to do for your next fundraiser, it’s time to get to work!

For those in Canada, check out retailer  for all of your fabric, supplies, project patterns and more. Once you have everything you need in hand, get those quilts sewn, and get the money you need raised in short order. After all, everyone loves a handmade quilt!

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