5 Secrets to Successful Wayfinding Signs

by | May 14, 2018 | Business

When developing wayfinding signs in Illinois, it’s important to consider the user experience. Ultimately, signs need to help visitors find what they are looking for easily. Here are five key elements to think about as signage is being developed or updated.

Think About the Big Picture

Wayfinding signage should reflect the overall design or flow of a building. Think about where guests are likely to enter and exit. Where are the most visited areas? Consider key elements, such as bathrooms, stairs, elevators and exits, in signage plans. Where are the most likely decision points where they will be making choices about their next destination? Looking at the big picture will help in developing wayfinding signage.

Keep It Simple

Avoid complex explanations visitors are not likely to read or follow. Make wayfinding signs in Illinois short, clear and to the point. Messages should be conveyed using as few words or symbols as necessary.

Adjust Wayfinding Signs to Suit Users

People may be in a hurry to find a destination. They may be under stress or involved in a conversation. Don’t make signage difficult to interpret. Use consistent, unambiguous symbols and wording easily understood by visitors. Don’t make them solve a puzzle to find what they are looking for.

Organize Information So It’s Useful

What if information needs to be given about multiple destinations? Wayfinding signs in Illinois need to be organized so they minimize visitor’s time and effort. Information may be organized alphabetically, directionally or from the closest destination to the furthest.

Make for Easy Exiting

Exit signage is important for emergencies or evacuations. They also have importance for visitors. Every person who enters will also want to leave. Signage can help them find a preferred point of departure. This is a useful feature for careful planners.

Are you developing wayfinding signs in Illinois? Visit the Quantum Sign website today to learn how they can help you.

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