Reasons Social Security Disability Benefits Get Denied

by | Mar 13, 2019 | Lawyer

Your Social Security disability benefits in Waukegan are designed to help people who cannot work due to an illness or disability provide for themselves. Unfortunately, 70 percent of people who apply for Social Security disability benefits are denied. There are many reasons that Social Security disability benefits get denied.

You Make Too Much Money

If you make more than $1,180 per month, then you may be denied Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration may argue that if you can make that much money, then you are not disabled enough to get benefits.

You Have Not Been Disabled Long Enough

In order to get Social Security disability benefits, your illness or injury must last at least 12 months. Many people are denied Social Security disability benefits because they are likely to heal from their injury within a short amount of time. For example, a person gets into an accident and fractures their leg. Most fractures heal in less than a year, so they will probably be denied benefits.

The Social Security Administration Cannot Get in Touch With You

The Social Security Administration has to be able to communicate with you. If they are unable to reach you, then your benefits will likely be denied.

You do not Cooperate

The SSA administration will need to have a copy of your medical records in order to verify that you have a medical condition. If you do not give the SSA administration a copy of your medical records, then your benefits will likely be denied. They may also ask for additional information and require that you get a consultative examination.

You do not Follow the Prescribed Treatment

You have to follow whatever treatment plan that your physician prescribes for you. However, there are some acceptable non-medical and medical reasons for not following treatment.

If you want to apply for Social Security disability benefits in Waukegan, then you will need to contact Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates LTD.

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