Don’t be Caught Without Health Insurance In St. Augustine

by | Aug 11, 2020 | Insurance

If you are young and relatively healthy, you may not see the importance of having Health Insurance in St. Augustine, but it is always better to plan ahead and be prepared. You may have decided that it is more budget friendly to have your minor health needs taken care of at walk-in clinics that provide fixed price services. This works fine for things such as minor sprains or colds, but will not help you if you become seriously ill or suffer a serious injury. In those cases, the total out-of-pocket expenses will far out-weigh the premiums you would have paid for adequate insurance coverage.

If you have a family, it is even more important to ensure that you have, at the very least, minimal insurance coverage. If you become ill and unable to work, you may have accrued sick time at work to cover your lost wages, but that may not be enough to cover needed medical and prescription costs. In addition, you would never want to have to choose between feeding your family, keeping the electricity on, or taking your child to the doctor when they are ill. Quality health insurance at Insurance, could help relieve this burden.

A full service company like the Insurance Company can help you choose the right health insurance for your specific situation. Depending on your situation, you may need only nominal coverage, but if there are health concerns or you are planning to start a family soon, you may want to choose a plan with more in-depth coverage. Do not be buried under unexpected medical expenses, plan ahead with insurance coverage today.

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