Understanding the Correlation of Eye and Brain Health in Jacksonville

by | Feb 12, 2021 | Optometrists

Most people understand that for their vision to work properly, their brain needs to work properly as well. They understand that if they suffer brain damage, it could impact their vision. However, something that surprises many people when they visit an eye care center in Jacksonville, FL, is that it also works the other way. Healthy brain function is dependent on healthy eyesight.

Your brain is the most important organ in your body. Without a properly functioning brain, you cannot live a high quality of life. Your optic nerves, the nerves that connect your eyes to your brain, are in your brain. Therefore, a healthy codependent relationship is a must. You can only keep your brain healthy if you keep your eyes healthy.

Good vision affects other aspects of your life. For example, good vision improves your athletic ability, your reading comprehension, and your ability to drive. If a person finds that it is difficult for them to drive, play sports, or read, then they may want to visit an eye care center in Jacksonville, FL, to see what impact poor vision is having on their overall quality of life.

Some people are surprised to learn that they are colorblind. While there is no treatment for colorblindness, an eye care professional may be able to recommend corrective lenses that can improve a person’s color perception.

Learn more about the impact a person’s vision has on their health and see how Florida Eye Specialists can help a person maintain good vision by visiting this website https://www.floridaeyespecialists.com/.

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