Search engine optimization (SEO) has become a very competitive industry. It used to be simple: just rank high on Google and Bing and you’d make tons of money. But not anymore. Nowadays, SEO is a full-time job with many hours of work required every day.
In order to compete in today’s SEO world, you need to hire an agency. There are many reasons why you should do this, including:
- They’ll do the research for you
- They’ll manage your campaigns
- They’ll provide ongoing support
- They’ll help you scale your business
- They’ll save you lots of money
- They’ll help you build relationships
- They’ll give you access to their network
- They’re experts at what they do
- They’ll get you results
- They can handle all the technical stuff
- And many more
Why should you not do DIY SEO?
The downsides of DIY SEO are numerous. One of the biggest ones is how much time it takes. If you want to start making money from search engines, then you need to invest some serious time into learning about SEO. This means that if you don’t have any experience in marketing, then you won’t be able to learn it quickly enough.
This leads into the second problem, if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re wasting time and potentially doing a terrible job. The last thing you want to do is spend weeks trying to optimize a page only to find out that you’ve done something wrong.
When you consider that time is money, even if DIY SEO is free, you’re going to be spending way more time and doing it wrong versus investing in an affordable SEO agency to do it. They’ll save you time and get results, helping you come out ahead in the end.