What are the Plants that Benefit from Mycorrhizal Fungi in Israel

by | Apr 7, 2023 | Biotechnology Company

Mycorrhizae is a symbiotic relationship between soil-dwelling fungi and the roots of plants. The fungus improves the effectiveness of nutrient and water uptake by the plant while receiving carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis. Mycorrhiza recharges plant nutrients and water from the soil, making them available for uptake. This blog discusses which plants benefit from mycorrhizal fungi.

1. Olive Trees

Studies have shown that olive trees growing with the help of mycorrhiza produce more fruit than those without. The increased nutrient uptake by the roots helps support more significant fruit production and greater resistance to drought and disease.

2. Grapevines

Grapevine production is an integral part of Israel’s agricultural economy, and they, too, benefit from mycorrhizal fungi. The fungi help to increase the uptake of essential nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen and zinc, leading to larger yields and better-quality grapes.

3. Citrus Trees

Mycorrhizal fungi recharge plant nutrients which can also help citrus trees thrive. This helps increase fruit production and the overall health of the tree, as well as providing it with added protection from disease.

4. Almonds Trees

Almond trees are also known to benefit from mycorrhizal fungi. Studies have shown that they can produce up to 60% more almonds when grown with the help of this symbiotic relationship. The increased nutrient availability allows them to withstand environmental stresses better and has larger, healthier nuts.

Begin Using Mycorrhizal Fungi on Your Farm

Mycorrhizal fungi are essential for healthy soils and plants in Israel. Incorporating it into your farm’s soil can help increase yields and provide added protection from disease and environmental stresses. Call or visit DYNOMYCO to learn more about how mycorrhizal fungi can benefit your farm and to get started today.

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