3 Reasons for a Noncustodial Parent to See an Aurora Child Custody Lawyer

by | Oct 26, 2023 | Lawyer & Law Firm

Custody arrangements sometimes work well all the way to the kids graduating from college. At other times, what seemed fine at first ends up being unworkable. Are there times when a noncustodial parent should secure the services of an Aurora child custody lawyer and find out if anything can be done? Here are a few reasons why this action may become necessary.

When the custodial parent isn’t honoring the visitation schedule spelled out in the agreement, something should be done. This doesn’t apply to occasional situations that motivate the custodial parent to reschedule for another time. If the parent is denying access to the child, seeking legal help to reinforce the existing agreement may be necessary.

Has the child indicated that he or she feels uncomfortable in the custodial home? If it has to do with some new habits the custodial parent has developed, or perhaps feeling uneasy around the parent’s new romantic interest, it may be time to find out more about what’s going on. In the event that whatever is happening places the child at risk, updating the custody arrangement may be in order.

Last, it’s a good idea to consult an Aurora child custody lawyer if an older child has expressed a desire to live with the noncustodial parent full-time. In many jurisdictions, a child that has reached the age of 12 may wish to make the change for some reason. If something can’t be worked out with the custodial parent, and the grounds for wanting to make a change are more than a simple whim, it may be necessary to take the matter before a judge.

There are other occasions when counsel from a custody lawyer can be helpful. Feel free to outline the situation and find out what the lawyer has to say. Doing so will make determining the next move a little easier. For more information, please contact Keller Legal Services.

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