The Hygienic Benefits of Hand Dryers

by | Jul 17, 2014 | Home and Garden

When Fast Drying Hand Dryers were first introduced, many users were hesitant to embrace this new technology due to the fact that they believed they were not as hygienic as the traditional paper towels. However, the reality of the situation is that these units are considered comparable when it comes to proper hygiene.

There have been a number of studies that were published on the hand dryers which stated they blew germs onto the user’s hands. However, when the Mayo Clinic performed an individual study, it showed that when you wash your hands properly with soap and rinse with warm water for the right amount of time, then the total amount of bacteria that was present on the hands was the same if you used a hand dryer or a paper towel. Put simply, the way that you dry your hands does not have much of an impact on germs; however, the way that you wash them does.

The primary difference is the fact that the hand dryers will eliminate the bacterial and the paper towel waste that accumulates in most public restroom environments. There are a number of manufacturers who also offer touch-free units, which further eliminates the bacterial issue.

There are a number of automatic hand dryers that are now considered extremely hygienic, with some models incorporating antimicrobial technology that will eliminate the growth of bacteria, fungus and mold, which will also extend the service life of the dryer.

Once you have made the decision to use these hand dryers in your business, there are an additional few decisions that you must make. For example, you have to select the type, placement and quality of units that you need. The number of dryers that your restroom will need will depend on the type of facility it is and the amount of traffic that it receives. A general rule of thumb is that you should install one dryer for each two sinks that you have in the bathroom. However, for higher traffic restrooms, you may need one dryer for each sink.

The fact is that a hand dryer offers a number of appealing benefits. You can reduce waste, while ensuring a hygienic experience for restroom users. If you are considering using this type of dryer, you should ensure that you consider all of the available options to ensure that you select the right one for your particular needs.

If you are looking for fast drying hand dryers, website is the leading manufacturer of fast drying hand dryers and has consistently strived to create durable and environmentally friendly products.

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