Finding the Best Orthopaedic Surgeon

by | Apr 20, 2015 | Physical Therapy

If a surgery is part of your musculoskeletal treatment plan, the next step involves finding an orthopaedic surgeon and feeling confident about your choice. Your surgeon should be specialized and experienced, but he or she should also help make you feel comfortable and positive about your procedure. Here are numerous ideas to help you find the best orthopaedic surgeon:


Despite the fact that businesses spend thousands of dollars on advertising each year, not much can surpass the power of word-of-mouth referrals. You should always ask your doctor for recommendations, as he or she will have previously sent countless patients to various specialists. Even if your doctor has not personally met the specialist, your doctor will have heard feedback from his or her post-surgery patients.

Ultimately, however, friends and family members may be your best resources as you search for an orthopaedic surgeon. If you feel comfortable doing so, consider asking your colleagues, extended family members, and even social media connections for recommendations. Your friends can be incredible resources, especially because you may feel more comfortable asking them additional questions that you might not feel as comfortable asking your doctor.

Education, Training, and Certifications

Your orthopaedic surgeon must be highly skilled and educated. As a specialist in his or her field, your surgeon will have undergone extensive training. All the surgeons you consider should be extremely candid and open about their education. If someone is not, this could be a warning sign and you may consider choosing a different surgeon.

Experience and Specializations

In addition to education your surgeon received, the amount of surgical specialization is crucial. Your type of surgery may require additional certification or specialization. If you are not sure about your surgeon’s experience, you can ask how long he or she has been practicing medicine. You can even ask how often your surgeon performs your particular surgical procedure.

Clear, Comfortable Consultation

Facing surgery can be daunting, but the experience will be less worrisome if you are comfortable with and confident in your surgeon. Schedule a consultation and evaluate the experience for yourself. Your orthopaedic surgeon should be able to answer your questions clearly, with language and terminology that you can easily understand. He or she should discuss your options, treatment plan, and recovery procedures without leaving you in the dark about any details.

It is very common to feel a little nervous about an upcoming surgery, but your orthopaedic specialist should be able to eliminate any major worries or hesitations that you may have. He or she will also provide you with a detailed recovery plan. This may include medication, physical therapy, and a variety of stretches or other exercises. A good surgeon will see you through every step of the process and help make sure you feel confident about your surgery.

For quality orthopaedic care visit Suburban Orthopaedics. You can visit us online at or follow us on Twitter.

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