A Womens Center In Illinois Can Help with Post Abortion Stress

by | Oct 28, 2013 | Health

Many people don’t know that there is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder solely pertaining to women who have had an abortion. This syndrome is known as Post-Abortion syndrome. Most of the general population just wrongly assume that a woman has chosen to have an abortion therefore why would she feel any reaction to it other than relief. However, the agonizing and stressful process of choosing to have this procedure produces guilt and a sense of loss in a great deal of woman.

A Womens Center In Illinois can assist woman with making the decision to have an abortion and also provide counseling for post abortion stress. If you have had an abortion some symptoms of this stress to be aware of include:

  • Extreme anxiety
  • Feelings of guilt that are persistent
  • Irritability
  • Developing an eating disorder
  • Substance abuse
  • Avoiding anything that brings back memories of the abortion
  • Sleep disorders like insomnia
  • Frequent headaches
  • Resentment or hatred for anyone involved in the decision to abort
  • Becoming abusive toward or over protective of future children
  • Self injurious behaviors
  • Fantasizing about the baby every year on the anniversary of the abortion
  • Feeling like you deserve all of the bad things that happen in your life as retribution or punishment for having an abortion

This syndrome can occur at any time after the abortion, even years later. Abortion is a very traumatic experience whether it is chosen, forced, or due to medical reasons. The guilt, regret, and pain may occur all at once or years later triggered perhaps by becoming pregnant again. When this happens the pain simply becomes unbearable and if counseling is not sought will reveal itself in any or all of the above ways. This is especially true if you were unsure, forced into, or under duress at the time of your decsion. Obtaining counseling, support, and understanding from a Womens Center In Illinois can decrease the severity of post abortion stress. Seeking proper counseling before the procedure and quickly if you begin to experience these symptoms can help lessen the severity and stop this stress from spiraling out of control.


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