As we seem to be experiencing more extreme weather patterns throughout the year in certain parts of the country, more and more people are reassessing their home heating options. Numerous cold snaps in places like New York and New Jersey have certainly prompted many people to debate the reality of human-induced climate change, but the outcome for many people is that they are looking to save more money on more efficient forms of home heating if possible.
Oil versus Gas Heating
Oil and gas are the two most popular fuels for heating our homes, but which one is best? If you’ve just moved into a home, for example, it’s more than likely you have one of the older oil heating systems installed, but if you want to switch to a home heating system that uses gas, you’ll need some experts in tank removals to first come in and start to process. This can be a costly process, so it makes sense to look at the benefits of gas heating over oil to see if it suits your requirements:
* Cost: The fact is that natural gas is a more affordable fuel source than oil. Even though the US has plenty of domestic oil storage, natural gas is not as subject to the volatile global market fluctuations that plague oil supplies. An investment in a gas heating system now will pay real dividends in the future, but it must also be remembered that a gas heating system is also more expensive to have installed, including costs for tank removals.
* Efficiency: Natural gas heaters are more efficient than oil heaters, but you will need to be in a gas supply area to take advantage of this cheaper source of fuel. The same companies that can do oil tank removals in Springfield, NJ can also hook your home up to the natural gas supply in your area.
* Maintenance: Natural gas heaters are quieter in operation and actually require less yearly maintenance. Oil heaters require an on-site storage tank for operation, as well as regular service delivery. This can be a real hassle for some homeowners.
Making the Smart Choice for the Future
Even though many people still use an oil heating system in their homes, more and more people are exploring their options when it comes to natural gas heating. If you live in an area where natural gas can be supplied, it may very well be worth assessing your home heating options and talking to a company such as visit website for advice.