Marketing is a vital part of your business strategy. If you’re looking to get new clients or customers, increase your bottom line or just move to a new market, marketing is the glue that sticks your customers to your business. In order to better understand marketing, you could attend a marketing keynote speaker, or open up your web browser and start the grind on online learning. Marketing is a learning curve, you won’t always be successful with your campaigns, and sometimes you will fall flat on your face. Talk to any professional motivational and keynote speaker, and they will tell you it’s all about trying things and seeing what works. Don’t be scared, there are ways to mitigate your losses, below you will find some things to avoid at all costs in order to prevent marketing mistakes.
Talking About Yourself
So you have been in business for a few years now and your company just won an outstanding achievement award, well done! You should tell your customers, right? Not always. A common mistake for small business owners is to think that your customers and you have the same interests and values. These achievements should be celebrated in-house, and on social media, but they have no part in marketing. Your marketing should solely focus on the solution that your business offers the customer, to help fix their problem.
Forgetting Your Current Customers
Are You spending so much time trying to acquire new customers that you are forgetting about the people who helped you get to where you are now? It’s a common mistake that business owners make, and can be easily avoided. Never forget your first customers, and you should certainly let them know that their business is, and always will be appreciated. After all, you truly wouldn’t be in the place you are in business without those first few people who said yes. While new customers are needed for scaling and growth, you should always remember the people who helped you when everyone else was saying no and slamming the door on your face.
Doug Dvorak is one of the world’s most sought-after keynote motivational speakers who has delivered over 1000 customized motivational keynote presentations and workshops.