Benefits of Finding a Pet-Friendly Place When Going to College in Knoxville

by | Sep 16, 2020 | Student Housing Center

Many college students are choosing to live off-campus in order to have a pet. Studies have shown that having a pet can offer many health benefits. Instead of leaving your pet behind, here are a few reasons why finding pet-friendly apartments in Knoxville TN and taking your furry friend with you can be beneficial.

Going off to college means completely changing your lifestyle. It means leaving behind your family and friends. College students often suffer from feelings of loneliness or even depression. Having your dog or cat with you means that you are less likely to suffer from negative feelings or health problems associated with anxiety or depression.

When you play with your dog or cat in pet-friendly apartments in Knoxville TN, you are likely to experience higher levels of serotonin and dopamine. These hormones will make you feel more relaxed. Also, having a pet means that you are likely to get more exercise. This contributes to good heart health and better overall health.

You may find that having a dog helps you meet new friends. Some have described pets as being a good social lubricant. It is common for dog owners to meet new friends in clubs, pet stores, and training classes. It is also likely for dog owners to stop and chat with other dog owners when they are in dog parks or while walking or hiking.

Learn how Redpoint Knoxville offers pet-friendly apartments for those who want to live off-campus by visiting their website today.

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