When the hot summer months approach, the most important thing to most home owners is air conditioning. When the weather is hot and humid, it can be very difficult to get comfortable without it. Some people stick with simple window air conditioners while others choose to have central air conditioning installed by a professional home air conditioning service in Affton. There are several benefits of central air over window air conditioners.
Open Windows
When you use window air conditioners, they are installed in the window and remain in place throughout the summer. If there is a cool day, you cannot open up the window to let fresh air in because the air conditioner is there. When you have central air conditioning, the air comes through vents in the walls, ceilings, or floors, giving you the option to open windows whenever you wish.
When using window air conditioners, you need to put them in the windows at the beginning of the summer and take them out when cold weather comes. Most air conditioners are very heavy, making this a difficult task. You also need to find a place to store your air conditioners during the winter. When you have central air conditioning, a professional providing home air conditioning service will install the unit and you can turn it on whenever you need it without any extra work.
Keeps the Whole House Cool
When you have window air conditioners, they only keep the room where they are located cold. Because of this, you need to keep the doors closed to keep the cool air in. If the room that you are trying to keep cool does not have a door, your only option would be to hang something over the doorway to keep the cooled air in the room. This can look very unattractive. When you have a central air conditioning system, the whole house stays cool, allowing you to keep doors open.
If you prefer the convenience of central air conditioning over window air conditioners, the professionals at Harster Heating & Air Conditioning can install your system, keeping you cool all summer long. For an evaluation of your home’s air conditioning needs, contact them today.