As you drive to work each day, you may not think much about your car’s brakes. After all, you only need to put your foot on the pedal and press. However, the way you apply your brakes can make a big difference in their performance and your safety. Here are some braking technique tips from your car brake repair service in Oklahoma City to help you stop your car safer and more efficiently.
When you apply your brakes, you only need to put gentle pressure on the brake pedal. Hard braking is not good for you or the car unless you need to make an emergency stop. Braking too hard can cause your brakes to lock up, and you could skid into oncoming traffic or other things.
Do you want to take your vehicle in for car brake repair service in Oklahoma City every year or so? Most people do not want frequent repair bills, and your brakes last longer when you let off of the gas pedal and coast to a stop. Then you only need to apply the brakes gently to stop the car completely.
Coasting helps you come to a complete stop smoothly. It is easier on you and your passengers. No one gets jerked around.
Let off the brakes when you take a corner. You should apply the brakes before your turn, so you are at the desired speed for making the turn. This is very important in wet or winter weather as your car is less likely to skid when the brakes are off. You have better control over your vehicle when you are reluctant to brake as you go around curves or make turns. However, when you brake if you notice any unusual noises or feelings, take your vehicle to your car brake repair service in Oklahoma City.