A child being born with birth defects related to the mother’s medication intake is a heartbreaking event. Healthcare practitioners are required to tell women of childbearing age the hazards of medication to unborn babies. If a baby was harmed because nobody explained the possibility to the mother, she may want to contact a birth injury attorney in Chicago.
Drug Categories
The Food and Drug Administration classifies drugs by their possible hazards to pregnancy or a fetus. Category C includes pharmaceuticals found harmful in some animal research but not in studies with humans. Category D includes drugs with greater potential for negative effects. Pregnant women should never take medication in category X because of the distinct risks to unborn babies.
Explaining the Risk
If a doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner prescribed medication to a woman of childbearing age, this individual should have explained the risk. If that did not happen and a baby was harmed, the mother may consult with a birth injury attorney in Chicago.
A Specific Example
A specific example is a pharmaceutical product taken to prevent seizures and migraine headaches. Because it increases an unborn baby’s risk of developing a cleft lip or palate, the drug is classified as category D. Reclassification to a risk category did not occur until many infants were born with this problem.
Free Consultations
Malpractice lawyers typically offer free consultations to men and women who may deserve compensation for a child’s birth defects. To schedule a free consultation please visit Shea Law Group today.