If cigars are something that are going to be regular smoked by people then a proper place to store them would be a good investment. Cigars need a particular kind of climate in order to stay as fresh as possible. Following are some simple tips to keep in mind when purchasing a humidor.
How Many Will Be Stored
Humidors can in many different sizes and the first step to purchasing one is to decide how many cigars are going to be held within. Once this number has been determined, simply double that number in order to never run out of space. Fewer cigars purchased can fit into a larger humidor but once space is gone, it is gone.
Conducting Some Research
The next suggested step is to research all the various humidors that will accommodate the amount of cigars that were decided. A final decision does not have to be made at this step but one can gather ideas and truly see how many options are available. Humidors also come in a variety of styles, colors, shapes and price ranges.
It is never necessary to limit the amount of choices because humidors are sold in different shops worldwide, there is always the option to shop on the internet as well. One always has the option to ask around as well, perhaps they have a friend with humidors in their houses or possibly a boss has humidors around the office. Once an idea has been collected, start narrowing down to the ones that match your personal preference. A good thing to remember when purchasing humidors is where they are going to be stored. The places that humidors can be stored is essentially anywhere, possibilities are almost limitless.
Know the Different Types of Humidors
There are three main varieties of humidors being manufactured on the market current day. The largest of the three is called a walk-in humidor. These are ideal for specialty shops and in large office/residential settings. Desktop or tabletop humidors are the next genre available. These are ideal for a first purchase. Lastly are the freestanding humidors. They are larger than the tabletop humidors and can serve as a lampstand as well.
Choosing a Finish
The next thing to consider is the theme in which the humidor is supposed to match. This is where you can choose shape and color, material used and size. Ensure that there is a good durable liner within and it comes with a warranty. Most companies that manufacture humidors back their work up to ensure that the purchase was a good one.
Above are some helpful hints when it comes to purchasing humidors, whether one is an older aficionado or new to the game – a great experience always begins with a great investment.
Disclaimer : “This article was written by an independent author. Cigars-Now is not responsible for the accuracy of the content.”
“Admiral 120 Count Humidor.” Cigars-Now (website.) Retrieved from http://www.cigars-now.com/admiral-120-count-humidor-by-humidor-supreme.html. Accessed on July 1, 2015.