Climate Control Storage Tips

by | Apr 3, 2018 | Moving Services

Climate control storage facilities have seen a surge in demand and popularity. If you are looking for climate control storage in Los Angeles for whatever reason, here are some good tips to follow when using the facilities.

#1. Aim for 55%

If you’re managing the humidity of multiple units and are unsure of what to shoot for in terms of humidity, 55% is the sweetest spot there is. The majority of items likely to find themselves in these units do well in 55% humidity. For the sake of comparison, the average humidity of an American, air-conditioned home is around the area of 35-40% relative humidity. Once you go past 55%, that’s when the humidity begins to damage items from high moisture levels. Unless specified otherwise, 55% relative humidity is the baseline to stick with.

#2. Know what items are best

Some items work best in climate control and some don’t. In order to protect your belongings, you need to understand the difference. What usually goes into climate-controlled storage includes, but is not limited to:

  • Artwork, specifically paintings

  • Delicate fabrics, antique toys, clothes, or upholstered furniture, which would grow moldy and produce mildew in a humid environment like a normal storage shed

  • Electronics, like fabrics, would not last long in incredibly humid environments, and need climate-controlled storage in order to last.

#3. Get a good dehumidifier

The two types of dehumidifiers that storage facilities most often use are mechanical and desiccant. If you don’t live in a very humid environment already, desiccant dehumidifiers are the way to go.

The most common model is mechanical. They’re basically air conditioners, using refrigerant to remove moisture from the air. While less energy efficient, they’re great for managing extreme humidified environments. That’s why before deciding on a dehumidifier type, you should always track the humidity levels in your area and consult a professional.

For quality climate control storage in Los Angeles, check out Art Pack.

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