It seems that applying for Social Security Disability after being disabled due to illness or injury should be an easy process. However, as many people in the Dallas area find out, even having a qualifying disability does not mean the application is accepted and approved.
The top Social Security Disability lawyers see many cases each week where people that should qualify for benefits receive a letter of denial of the application. There are several common reasons for these denials, and working with experienced Social Security Disability lawyers can help to appeal the denial and correct any problems, mistakes, or omissions.
Incorrect or Incomplete Medical Documentation
Many doctors are not aware of the specific language and details that need to be included to provide the level of medical documentation required for a Social Security Disability application to be approved.
It is also important to talk to your doctor and let him or her know just how the injury or disability is impacting your ability to return to work. Make sure all copies of doctor’s notes that limit your workload or prevent you from returning to work are included in your records submitted with the application. Go to any specialists recommended by your primary care doctor and let all medical professionals know you are applying for Social Security Disability.
Not Following Doctor’s Orders
A common reason that Social Security Disability lawyers see for denials is lack of follow through on the patient’s part. If the doctor recommends a particular treatment and you refuse, the claim is denied. The treatment must be a standard, best practice type of treatment that is used for the specific disability you are experiencing.
If you are not participating in the treatment due to a specific reason, going through the appeals process allows you to explain your reasons. Your Social Security Disability attorney is essential in developing the argument to prove your case during the appeal.