Do Mothers Automatically Get Custody of Their Children?

by | Dec 5, 2019 | Family Law Attorney

You may wonder if you will automatically get custody of your child if you are the mother. It may have seemed that way at one point in the past, but now judges do what’s best for the child. Unfortunately, the mother isn’t always the best choice for the child. The court will consider the following aspects before they make a decision.

Health & Lifestyle

Your health and lifestyle will play important roles in the decision as to whether the court awards you custody. Ideally, you should be physically and mentally healthy, and you should also lead a life that’s free of criminal activities and mischief.

Financial Status

The court will also look at your financial status to see that you have enough funds to pay for childcare, food, clothing, educational expenses and the like. They will not automatically remove your child for low income, but they may use the numbers to determine child support benefits. An attorney who practices family law in Orange County can help you gather the necessary documentation.

Parent-Child Relationship

The relationship you have with your child is important. The judge will investigate to find out whether you have a positive and nurturing interaction with him or her.


Do you encourage parenting time with your child and the other parent? Are you always available to hand your child over for visitation? The answers to these questions will help determine your fitness as a custodial parent. Avoiding is a must if you want to qualify for custody.

Child’s Wishes

If your child is old enough, the court may consider his or her wishes. Ultimately, the decision will be the judge’s, but that person will hear your child’s request.

You should contact an attorney familiar with family law in Orange County to discuss your case and your situation. This professional will be able to tell you whether it’s probable that you will receive custody. He or she will be able to fight for you to ensure that your rights are preserved, as well. Schedule a consultation with a reliable provider today and fight for what’s best for your child.

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