Air isn’t always made up of only oxygen, nitrogen and harmless trace gases. This is especially true these days with any number of chemicals and other particles in the atmosphere. For breathable air, air conditioning units and filters can mitigate all the excess, but industrial compressed air systems are quite a different story. They’re as vulnerable to moisture and debris in the air as living, breathing creatures. Air Dryers PA is designed to help keep all the harmful particles in check, and four main types are available.
Regenerative air drying systems include two separate towers. One holds a desiccant to absorb moisture and other undesirable substances much like the pods and packets you’ll find in certain medications, electronics, and other products. Of course, these are on a much larger scale than what you’d find in boxes and bottles on store shelves. The second tower essentially recycles the desiccant from the first one as needed, so it doesn’t have to be replaced after each cycle.
Single Tower
With single-tower systems, a desiccant is contained within the tower. As is the case with a regenerative system, the desiccant removes moisture and other potentially harmful elements from the air. One significant difference is the lack of regenerative measures, meaning the desiccant needs to be changed frequently. Still, these types of Air Dryers PA are efficient and effective for several applications.
Refrigerant-based air drying systems operate in much the same way air conditioners do. They remove moisture from the air by cooling it. From there, moisture taken out of the air drains at regular intervals, either automatically or manually.
Another type of air dryer available from companies like Air Center Inc. is a membrane system. This type of system removes moisture from the air via semi-permeable membranes. These are often less complicated and costly than other types of systems, but they’re generally best suited to lower-capacity applications.
Various types of systems are available in each of these categories, and each one has its benefits and drawbacks. Though some are more expensive than others, their versatility and capacity may outweigh their cost. Visit the Website to learn more about the different air drying systems at your disposal or to speak with an expert to determine the best one for your needs.