Has a Case of Wrongful Death Occurred in Your Family? Contact an Accident Attorney Today

by | Apr 25, 2013 | Attorneys

Every year, thousands of families suffer the pain of losing a loved one because another individual or group of individuals acted carelessly. Cases of wrongful death can occur under various circumstances, but all can have a devastating impact on the families the victims left behind. Workplace accidents, vehicular accidents, malpractice, and toxic exposure are some of the common causes of wrongful death. If your family has been affected by a case of wrongful death, trust a compassionate and experienced accident attorney Auburn CA to assist you in moving forward with legal proceedings.

What Your Family Deserves
Generally, there are three types of damages the surviving family members of a wrongful death victim can recover. Firstly, economic damages, which takes into account expenses such as funeral costs, lost inheritances, lost benefits, and lost wages that would have been earned by the victim. Non-economic, the second form of damages, provide recompense to the family for their pain and suffering. Lastly are punitive damages, which serve as a form of punishment for the guilty party. The heavy fines that come with punitive damages are also meant to be a reformative action, and sway future cases of gross negligence.

Don’t Procrastinate
If a wrongful death case has occurred in your family, it’s important to act quickly. Depending on the complexity of the case, it may take 1-3 years to resolve. The statute of limitations on wrongful death cases is usually 2 years. To prove liability, many cases involve investigation and evidence collection. Losing a loved one is one of the hardest experiences to cope with, but finding a competent lawyer quickly can also help to secure any evidence from the incident. If you’re unsure about whether you have enough evidence to prove liability, it’s imperative to consult an accident attorney. Auburn CA professionals can examine the circumstances of your loved one’s death, and provide you with legal solutions.

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