Most people are aware that they can retain attorneys after being in injury wrecks. However, the people who cause the wrecks may not know that they have the same legal right.
In fact, if you have caused a bad wreck that resulted in injury or death, you need to act quickly to protect yourself legally. You can start by putting an experienced auto accident lawyer in Austin, TX, on retainer.
Minimizing Liability
You may willingly acknowledge that you caused the wreck that resulted in people being injured or killed. However, you also may admit that you did not cause it on purpose and may not have been able to take any other action to prevent the wreck from occurring.
If a deer ran out in front of you, for example, you may not have been able to swerve to avoid hitting it. Your slamming on the brakes may have caused the car behind you to slam into your back end.
When factors were beyond your control, you may have minimal legal and financial liability. Your attorney can prove that you could not avoid the wreck and did not mean to cause damages to the motorists or pedestrians.
Your auto accident lawyer in Austin, TX, can also work to get charges against you dropped to the minimum allowed under the law. You can avoid serving time in jail or paying expensive judgments. Learn more by reaching out to the Law Office Of Jesse Hernandez today.