How Clogged Filters Can Damage Residential Heating Systems in Oklahoma City OK

by | Aug 21, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Most people don’t know it, but clogged filters are the main cause of heating system problems. Debris and dust restrict airflow, which forces the furnace to struggle to heat the home. Just as regular oil changes help a car’s engine stay in peak condition, a clean filter protects residential heating systems in Oklahoma City, OK from unnecessary damage. Here, readers can learn several ways a clogged filter can harm a home’s HVAC system.

Increased Energy Consumption

Because an HVAC system relies on recirculated air, the blower fan’s performance has a significant effect on home energy usage. The harder the fan works to pull air throughout the home, the higher the monthly bill will be. It’s been estimated that a clogged air filter can cause a unit to use 15% more energy, and inefficiency will continue to increase until the filter is changed.

Frozen Coils

If an air filter clogs in the summer, it can cause the cooling or evaporator coil to freeze due to insufficient airflow. When there isn’t enough air going past the coils, condensation freezes and the unit can’t take the heat out of the air. If the problem is left untreated for a long time, the system will eventually fail.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

A clogged filter allows debris and dust to be circulated throughout the home. This can cause allergic reactions, and it’s particularly dangerous for those with asthma and other respiratory problems. If there are pets or chemicals in the home, its indoor air quality will be much worse with a clogged filter. While the occasional sniffle is no cause for concern, prolonged air quality issues can have serious effects on a family’s health.

Premature Failure

A clogged air filter, if left unchanged long enough, can cause internal damage to an HVAC system. In fact, it’s the main cause of premature failure in residential heating systems in Oklahoma City, OK. An overworked blower may stop working entirely, causing thousands in damage. Therefore, it’s important to change them at least once per month.

While the air filter isn’t the most expensive part of an HVAC system, it’s one of the most important. Click here to learn more or call the company to schedule an evaluation.

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