It’s a sad truth of life that seniors are frequently the first victims of identity theft. Many of these stories are likely familiar to you. If you have a loved one who is susceptible to fraud due to trust or cognitive issues, you should take steps to safeguard them. This is where in-home senior care in Bethesda, MD may help.
Professionals who provide in-home care, such as those at Business Name, are typically able to detect and prevent fraud. While predatory schemes may be the most concerning, they are only one of three basic categories of elder fraud. An in-home care provider can give an extra set of eyes to watch your loved ones.
Predatory Scams
Seniors are the target of a variety of frauds. Amateurs are occasionally the perpetrators of these schemes, but occasionally, they’re created by seasoned crooks. In either instance, they are people who go out of their way to find elderly people they don’t know and try to defraud them.
Scammers regularly copy or reuse one another’s techniques. This implies that there are typically warning indicators to look out for, which in-home care providers are familiar with.
Crimes of Opportunity
There are minor types of elderly fraud in addition to larger scams. If they are buying a car, for example, the salesperson may learn they can slip an extra add-on into the contract without anybody noticing.
Seniors are frequently accompanied outside the house by professionals offering senior care in Bethesda, MD. Having someone else is generally enough to dissuade opportunity crimes, which are frequently committed in the spur of the moment.