If you suffer from one of close to 40 debilitating conditions that established physicians and the like have documented as responding to treatment with medicinal cannabis and you are an established resident of Illinois who has the backing of your regular doctor or care giver; you do not have too much to worry about when it comes to finding out How To Get Medical Marijuana in Washington. This is because Illinois is one of quite a number of US states that has passed their own legislation to allow you to do just that.
The Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act
The Illinois General Assembly passed this Act in 2013 and Governor Pat Quinn signed it on August 1 of that year. The Act treats medicinal cannabis as being separate from that classified as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. In State Law; it is legal to grow and process the plants and then provide the end result to qualifying patients. However, it is strictly controlled by the Illinois Department of Public Health who began granting applications from growers, vendors and patients in September 2014.
Becoming Part Of The Program
First of all; you must be legally resident in Illinois and over 18 years old (note:- since January 1st 2015; special arrangements have been made for patients below 18 years of age). Then; you must be in contact with a physician or primary care giver who can provide evidence that you suffer from a debilitating ailment and your health could be improved if you had access to medicinal cannabis. There are a series of forms that both you and your doctor need to fill in and submit. These forms can be downloaded from the Illinois Department of Public Health website and can be submitted online or through the mail. There is a non-refundable $100 fee to be paid with your application. Veterans or those enrolled in SSDI or SSI disability programs may be exempted some fees. Once accepted; you will be provided with an identification card which has to be renewed each year.
This card enables you to purchase up to two and a half ounces of medicinal cannabis every 14 days. However, such purchases can only be made at approved dispensaries and you have to select one dispensary location and use that one only.