When you’re looking for a small business loan, it may seem like you need your cash now and no one is in a hurry to give it to you. The typical SBA loan can take anywhere from 60-90 days to secure, if everything goes smoothly. The capital your business needs can definitely be worth the wait and the wait can be frustrating because opportunities don’t wait.
Is there a way to get a fast small business loan? Take a look at your options, and see just how quickly you may be able to get access to the cash you need!
Traditional Means
The amount of time it takes for you to get the small business loan your company needs will vary depending on a variety of factors. A couple of important factors are your credit score and how much you’re looking to borrow. Larger dollar amounts will generally take longer to be approved by your lender.
To speed up the process, it is important that you expedite your portion of the process by providing the requested documents in a timely manner. We advise you to gather all necessary documents such as 3 month’s bank statements and corporate documents as soon as you are ready to apply for a loan. Being prepared will generally get your file preferential treatment by the underwriters loan officers.
The Multi-Lender Approach
You want to know what the rates would be at multiple lenders but it’s not feasible to apply with every lender out there. That’s where GetMoney.com comes in. Your loan application will be forwarded to a lending institutions who will confirm your application info and run it through their internal system in search of the highest loan amounts and lowest rates. Small business loans can fund in 48 hours.
Another major advantage of applying for a business loan on Getmoney.com is that they respect your privacy and don’t share your information to multiple lenders.