How to Handle Intense Emotion During a Drug Abuse Intervention in Minnesota

by | Feb 16, 2024 | Health Consultant

Alcohol and drug abuse intervention gives loved ones a chance to speak openly to the users in their lives. If you would love the chance to tell someone you care about how their chemical dependence has impacted your life, you may like the idea of having a professional intervention.

The stumbling point for many people is the intense emotions that come out during the process. The following tips will help you get through the difficult moments.

1. Don’t Underestimate the Value of a Professional Interventionist

You can plan an intervention without professional input, but that deprives you and your loved ones of valuable guidance. An interventionist has been through the process many times and knows how to talk you through anything that happens. They’re also a third party with no intense emotions of their own, so they will stay calm and ensure the intervention stays on track.

2. Write Your Thoughts out in Advance

Don’t walk into an intervention planning to speak off the cuff. That leaves you vulnerable to anxiety and fear, which could prevent you from speaking the words that you desperately need to release. It also increases the chances of you breaking down due to the rawness of your own words.

Write down what you want to say. Practice speaking those words out loud. Allow yourself to cry as much as you need right now. You can then go into the intervention prepared for your presentation.

To learn more about drug abuse intervention in Minnesota, visit Drew Horowitz & Associates.

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