It is often difficult to witness a loved one suffering from disabling disease and debilitating conditions like end-stage kidney failure, stroke, cancer, and accidents. But, it is much more painful if they don’t get specialized attention they really deserve. Remember, your families can only go through so much sacrifice. Even your bosses can only grant you limited days on leave to care for aging and suffering kin. Often, a practical solution in terms of affordability and service is in-home care. With in home care in Portland, you are benefitted by an in home caregiver, nurse or aide to assist you in keeping your loved ones comfortable and cared after.
Here are possible services that can impact the lives and outlook of your loved ones:
Medical Care
Often, the reason why people have difficulty doing day-to-day activities is because they are afflicted by a medical or traumatic condition. Because of this, in home caregivers are the best persons to do the job of monitoring your loved one’s condition, and preventing additional complications from occurring. While, not always as comprehensive as a hospital or a nursing home, in-home care is definitely a good choice rather than none at all.
Cooking and Cleaning
Whether your loved ones stay with you or elsewhere, it is not all the time that you can give them attention, especially when you start to resume your normal work and school activities. That is when in-home care can help in day-to-day activities that you or your suffering loved one normally perform such as cooking and housekeeping. In hiring in-home aides, make sure you provide a list of foods, cleaning materials and environments that the patient is allergic to.
There is a variety of conditions that one can be suffering from. However, all patients require adequate passive or active exercise to prevent the body from losing muscle and bone mass, and having decreased mobility from stiffening joints and ligaments. If still possible, carers will accompany your relative to daily walks around the block. At times, in home care in Portland will help in sitting, standing up or even turning in bed.
Many times, a suffering patient may become depressed or isolated because of his or her condition without even showing noticeable signs. It is the critical job of in home care in Portland to initiate quality conversations to keep company and possibly encourage patients to air their joys, concerns, and fears when you are not around. Some people say socializing helps fuel the patient’s desire to live. Conversation can also be a form of therapy when done right.
Board Games and Recreation
What is life without a little play and time to enjoy the little pleasures of life? In home caregivers can keep the brains of your relatives stimulated by initiating and participating in board games and recreational activities. For someone who is recuperating or whose memory is fading, activities like chess, crossword and jigsaw puzzles, and even music can help them.
Turn your hopelessness back into hope and joy by having trusted and reputable in home care in Portland to keep your loved ones cared physically, mentally and even spiritually. Visit