Making the choice to take your company public and become a traded shares company is huge. Undoubtedly you may want to offer your employees a chance to buy some of the stock in the company as part of their optional employee benefits. One company in Salt Lake City, UT shows you how you can create an employee stock purchase plan to offer to your employees. It is structured in a way that makes it easy for employees to reinvest in the company they work for.
Buy It by the Share or Partial Share
When certain big box stores first went public, they offered their employees a chance to buy stock. The beauty of the option they chose to give their employees for their employee stock purchase plan was to buy it in tiny increments through their paychecks. They didn’t have to buy a whole share at a time or several shares upfront. The employees bought it at a quarter share or tenth of a share, sometimes even half a share at a time. You could do the same, or you could offer employees the chance to buy one whole share each paycheck.
Setting Shares Aside Just for Employee Purchase and/or Splitting Shares
You don’t have to be a Wall Street broker to understand how an employee stock program works. That is what these stock program companies do when companies like yours want to offer employees some shares. Set a percentage of shares aside and decide if you will allow shares to split to create more shares at some point.
When you are ready to get your program off the ground, contact Colonial Stock Transfer Company, Inc., via website.
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