Mexican food includes a lot more than the tacos, tortillas, enchiladas and other dishes Americans love so much and are so familiar with. In fact, distinctive, unique beverages are every bit as much a part of the Mexican culinary tradition as are complex, spicy dishes. Whether that means fresh, fruity aguas frescas or rich drinks based on chocolate and nutmeg, having a beverage in Mexico is often just as exciting as sitting down to a delicious meal.
That goes just as much for the everyday beverages that people in Mexico love to imbibe on a regular basis for refreshment. One of the most popular beverage makes in the country is Jarritos, a company that produces a line of intensely fruity and otherwise fascinating carbonated drinks. Even bottled water takes on a new character under the guidance of Jarritos, with generous additions of lime and other livening agents helping to give delicious mineral water even more in the way of personality.
As recognition in the United States of just how much the company has to offer has grown, Jarritos Distributors in Connecticut area have stepped up to meet the new level of demand. Formerly hard to find throughout most of the Northeast, Jarritos drinks are now widely available. Jarritos Distributors, in fact, supply businesses ranging from the most popular restaurants in the state to corner stores looking to improve their selections of drinks.
In many cases, the most popular options are the fruit-flavored beverages the company is best known for. These include a simple pineapple soft drink that stands out from the American norm, as well as a punch drink that incorporates a number of different fruit flavors. Jarritos Distributors in Connecticut also do a brisk business in the company’s mineral water offerings, with the one that adds a spritz of lime to every sip being the most popular of all.
Appreciation for the flavors of Mexico, then, now goes well beyond the foods that most Americans are now so familiar with. Today, it is just as likely to mean cracking open a soft drink from a company like Jarritos that provides another angle into what makes Mexican cuisine so exciting and enjoyable.
Read more about Jarritos Distributors