Match Your Ceremony With Themed Wedding Invitations

by | Jul 7, 2015 | Weddings

Have you already picked out the perfect theme for your wedding? If such a major decision has been made, it may now be the right time to focus on picking out the invitations. Themed wedding invitations are often a huge hit amongst women and men because it allows them to send out a bit of a preview to their potential reception guests while waiting for their response. The guests will not know the exact theme for the wedding, but they will easily put two and two together once they arrive at the ceremony and then compare the decorations to the original invitation they received.

The first step to finding the perfect themed wedding invitations is to consider the colors you are using for your reception. What colors are the bridesmaids’ dresses? What colors are the suits and ties that the men will wear who are in the ceremony? Consider matching your invitations with those colors, whether they are blue, red, gold, green or even purple.

There are some themes available based on the type of wedding ceremony you are having. For example, you may have a Hindu, Sikh or Muslim reception planned out. If you are having one of those kinds of weddings, there are themed wedding invitations made to match them. Each option has its own intricate design. It would be a good idea to look at the styles before you make the decision as to which cards you want to use.

Once you have chosen the specific style for your themed wedding invitations, you may want to choose the layout for the interior. The layout would include how the information is presented to those who receive these invitations. It may include your name and the name of the person you are marrying, along with a quote about marriage or something similar. Details about where the ceremony is being held will also appear on the inside of the card on either the left or right side.

After you carefully select beautiful themed wedding invitations and include the details for them, they may get printed and send directly to you. When you have received them, you can start to mail them out to each person who is on your guest list. Make sure to order them several months in advance so people can begin making specific arrangements if necessary.

Themed wedding invitations offer a sneak peek into what guests can expect when they come to your wedding. There are plenty of colors, styles and designs to choose from to make it easier for you to find themed wedding invitations at Regal Cards.

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