Need Cash? Ask About a Title Loan Phoenix Drivers Can Depend On

by | Oct 30, 2013 | Loan

In an emergency, you don’t have time to wait for an approval for a bank loan or find a buyer who will give you a reasonable amount of money for your valuables. One of the easiest ways to get the money you need in a hurry is with a title loan. When you apply for a title loan, you can have the money in your pocket about an hour after your loan is approved.

When you borrow money with your car title as collateral, you get to keep your car while you pay back the loan. Title loan companies understand that you need your car to get to and from work, so you can repay the money you owe. The title loan company puts a lien on your title and releases it when your loan is repaid in full.

It can be difficult to borrow money from friends and family. Sometimes, they have their own cash problems. Other times, family may have the money, but their terms are hard to deal with. When you get a title loan, you deal with a business and you repay the money based on the terms in the contract. The title loan company won’t make you feel bad about needing help or change the terms after you already have the money. Preserve your relationships with your loved ones by getting a title loan.

The requirements for a title loan are simple. To get a Title Loan Phoenix drivers need to provide proof of income, insurance and residency. You will also need to bring photo identification, the clear title, the vehicle and references. Don’t worry about your credit problems or even previous bankruptcy filing. Your car is the only collateral you need for a title loan. You may know within 30 minutes of filling out the application whether you loan is approved and how much money you are eligible to borrow.

Whether you need a long or short term loan, choose the Title Loan Phoenix drivers trust to get them fast cash with a payment and interest rate that fits their budget. The professional staff at Auto Title Loans & More can loan up to $50,000 based on the value of your vehicle and your income.

For more information, visit online!

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