Non-Invasive Skin Care Treatment Options

by | Nov 17, 2015 | Health

So, you are no longer happy with the way the skin on your face looks and feels, but you are hesitant to go under the knife? If this sounds like the predicament you are facing, it’s worth looking into  non-invasive skin care treatment options out there. Specialists in the skincare industry will stay abreast of new technology and methods to ensure their patients are entirely satisfied with the outcome of whatever procedure they opt for. Each procedure will be aimed at rejuvenating the skin and improving skin health. Although satisfaction rates are high for the vast majority of treatment techniques out there, you should discover what your options are to ensure the consultation you have with a skincare expert is focused and so that by the end of it, a treatment date can been arranged.

Ultrasound Skin Care Options

For some patients, the non-invasive skin care treatment process will be a lot simpler, because they might have smaller areas of skin to treat or the skin condition they are dealing with might not be very serious. However, for patients that require deep dermis treatment, ultrasound skin care options will be recommended. Why, you ask? Well, ultrasound treatments are very delicate and precise. The person performing treatment will normally use a camera to focus on the skin as it is being treated. This means that no blemishes or imperfections will go unnoticed.

Radiofrequency/Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

A non-invasive skin care treatment that is a good alternative to collagen injections would be radiofrequency laser treatments. Collagen levels will increase once pulsated beams of light are shone onto the problem areas of skin. As more collagen is produced, saggy skin will appear fuller and as a result of this, you will look a lot younger! Radiofrequency treatments are similar to intended pulsed light (IPL) treatments, because the majority of people are good candidates and the recovery process is quick. Plus, both treatments use laser light energy.

Finding a Surgeon

Don’t miss an opportunity to meet with the surgeon you have been thinking about putting your trust in for a non-invasive skin care treatment. While you might see this as a time-consuming process, it could actually save you time, because it will allow you to narrow down your options. The surgeon should have attended a course in college or university to obtain skin care qualifications. In addition to this, he or she should have knowledge about the medical industry and if they are affiliated with hospitals or medical centres, this is also a good sign. Word of mouth recommendations are always worth listening to and you could save yourself some bother if you browse the web for surgeons in your area.

Why not get non-invasive skin care treatment performed at Shambala Day Spa? To learn more about this health and wellness facility, call

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