In order to receive a discount concerning your mailings, you need to be able to run your mailing list through a program that will match your addresses with real time addresses on the USPS National Address File. Addresses listed by the USPS are standardized and have all of the correct postal codes. Using CASS software that is certified through the USPS ZIP+4 coding system is necessary to receive automation and presort discounts. It also makes your mailings even more deliverable. CASS Solutions also includes DPV software that validates that your mailings have actually been delivered by the USPS, in accordance with the addresses on your mailing list.
What You Can Expect from CASS Software
Once you have purchased CASS software that is certified by the United States Postal Service, you can enjoy many services that include mailing lists that are updated with current, complete and correct address information. The validation of all of this information comes directly from the USPS. When addresses have been secured, then they are executable for the batch process using a real-time mode to look up addresses quickly. All of these dependable services help businesses keep their mailing lists current and keep in touch with customers.
Save Money by Using Correct Mailing Lists
A business can waste a lot of money sending out mailings that are addressed to customers that either no longer live at the address, or the address is incorrect. When you use CASS software, you are able to get a very low postage rate while making sure that addresses are correct and confirmed by standards set by the Postal Service. There are many presort discount levels. You need to be able to submit your mailings with correct data that has been validated or corrected after being researched with data elements such as the carrier route code, ZIP+4 Code, delivery point code and eLOT code.
You Must Meet USPS Requirements
In order to receive mailing discounts, you must meet USPS requirements that include providing validated addresses at the physical delivery point, and converting multiple addresses that are changed by municipalities in your area, or local governments. You need every mailing you address to be deliverable so you save time and money on postage. CASS software has been certified to work on many different platforms that include UNIX, IBM MVS, MS Windows, Linux, and mainframe platforms such as CICS support.
Anchor Computer Software offers CASS solutions for businesses that need to manage multiple mailings. Visit their website to learn more about integrating their time-saving software into your business.