Seeing a Children’s Dentist in Richmond, VA

by | Nov 18, 2013 | Dentist

Communication in pediatric dentistry is essential when understanding the importance of treatment, and this can be applied without problems if you visit the right children’s dentist in Richmond, VA. These professionals are equipped with the usual dental knowledge added to the knowledge of dealing with pediatrics in order to apply effective treatments. In this sense, the patient / dentist communication is the first target that clinicians use when trying to reach out to children. The conversation is natural and pleasant, and dentists become genuinely interested about a child’s likes, dislikes and activities, earning their trust. Without this step, it is very difficult to make a dental experience a positive one.

A dentist is responsible for talking to children and simplifying technical explanations. They adapt to using pediatric language, which allows reassurance to the child and avoids anxiety. A good example is the use of expressions or substituting names for words with other connotations: X-ray equipment (camera), radiography (photography) or turbine (toothbrush with water). As with any dental treatment, the patient’s cooperation has plenty to do with the directions given by the clinician. The key issue is that the instructions are precise and concrete so that the child can understand them. Depending on the child’s age, the parent may be given information explaining the instructions.

The tone of voice used is a fundamental aspect of verbal communication that goes beyond words. The knowledge of using this aspect correctly can greatly restore lost communications or support patients who have collaborating behaviors. It consists of a sudden and abrupt change of tone, trying to get the child’s attention. Many have looked at the direct impact of parental anxiety in correlation to a child’s behavior. The fact is that reducing paternal anxiety will help effectively treat a child’s fear of the dentist.

Minimizing significant tensions and fears by eliminating the distraction of the child is vital for a dental visit to be successful. This also helps parents and dentists strengthen communication with the patient. Allowing the child the chance to discuss how their visit can be more comfortable is a great step in reducing the fear of a child. Seeing a children’s dentist in Richmond, VA has plenty of advantages. Having your child grow up with a beautiful smile is just one. Call your local dentist today.

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