Seeking Legal Counsel for Child Support Mankato

by | May 17, 2013 | Roofing Contractor

Divorce is a difficult time and when children are involved, it makes the process that much harder. If one parent retains full custody of the child, the other typically is ordered to pay a specific amount of child support each month, depending on the financial health of the custodial parent. The amount awarded could end up being lower if you’re not dealing with a child support in mankato attorney. Trying to go through the courts alone can be overwhelming and you may be in a vulnerable position, which can lead to agreeing to receive less child support than you should be awarded.

How Child Support is Calculated

Child support is court appointed meaning the courts will be the deciding factor but what you agree to is also factored into the equation. Child support may consist of one of the following:

* Basic Child Support
* Medical Child Support
* Child Care Support

If the courts order it, all three may be mandated which is then known as ‘total support’. Normally the support the non-custodial parent is ordered to pay is based on the parent’s income and also the amount each parent pays in terms of support to their child or children. Often one parent will have the child covered under his or her medical insurance and in these cases, the medical child support is not needed and won’t be awarded.

When a Parent Fails to Pay

child support that is ordered by the courts is not an option, it is mandatory that the parent pay the said amount. If the parent fails to do so, the custodial parent can contact an attorney and begin proceedings which can include wage garnishment of the non-custodial parent. In this case hiring an attorney that understands the child custody laws is advantageous. When the actions are taken against the party for non-child support payments, the back payments are also collected.

Divorce is a difficult process for everyone involved and children often do not understand what is happening. If you’re not receiving the agreed upon child support you were awarded, you should seek out legal counsel so that you can make sure you have the funds necessary to raise your child.

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